Townhomes & Cottages in Multi-Unit Communities
Aboda Cottages
Detached apartment rental communities using simple duplex cottage designs.
Cassiopia Duplexes
High-end mountain duplexes for sale in Colorado mountain ski town.
Tabernash Resort 4-Plexes
Custom designed 4-plexes for attainable workforce housing solutions by Winter Park, Colorado.
Single-Family Detached Homes In Multi-Unit Communities
Habitatable Housing
A series of simple 2-module designs designed for attainability, workforce housing, and clustered communities in several states.
Austin Infill Homes
High-end models designed for urban infill around downtown Austin, TX.
Savannah Lakes Homes
Curated models of 1800 – 3600 sqft homes initially designed for a high-end lakeside golf community.
Cascade Spec Homes
Simple, 2 module home designs with site-built garages for a regional spec model builder.
Apartments & Condominium Complexes
Winter Park Workforce Housing
330-room workforce housing project in Winter Park, Colorado
Downtown Pueblo Apartments
Custom designed 30-unit infill apartment project in downtown Pueblo, CO
Tell us about your next project.
Our commitment is to redefine the future of housing construction through prefabricated innovation.